L.E.K.全球合伙人兼全球领导团队成员、《延展业务边界:挖掘近在咫尺的金矿》(英文版原著《Edge Strategy: a New Mindset for Profitable Growth》由哈佛大学出版社出版)著作者之一艾伦·刘易斯(Alan Lewis)先生应邀到访上海,分别于上海美国商会和中欧国际商学院作了边缘战略系列演讲,为来自不同行业和规模的企业管理层以及中欧国际商学院EMBA/GEMBA/MBA等项目的在读学生与校友带来了最新洞见,并与到场听众进行了深入交流与讨论。
L.E.K.’s Alan Lewis Speaks on Edge Strategy at AmCham and CEIBS in Shanghai
Alan Lewis, a partner and member of the Global Leadership Team at L.E.K. Consulting, presented the latest insights into Edge Strategy before an audience in Shanghai, at events hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce in China and China Europe International Business School.
L.E.K. Consulting’s Alan Lewis Named One of the Top 25 Industry Leaders
Alan Lewis, managing director and co-author of ‘Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth,’ has been named one of Consulting Magazine’s Top 25 Consultants in 2016 for Excellence in Retail.
L.E.K. Consulting’s Alan Lewis to Speak on Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth at HBR Brasil Week
At the upcoming HBR Brasil Week on September 26-27 in São Paulo, Brazil, Alan Lewis, Managing Director at L.E.K. Consulting, will discuss a disciplined, methodical approach to helping business leaders grow their business with less investment and less risk by focusing on the myriad opportunities that are often hiding in plain sight, at the edge of their core business.
The Economist: Squeezing the Tube
Instead of disrupting their industries, firms and companies should look for opportunities under their noses. More in The Economist’s Schumpeter column where co-authors Alan Lewis and Dan McKone from L.E.K. Consulting discuss Edge Strategy.
L.E.K. Consulting’s Alan Lewis to Speak on Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth at The ONE National Conference
At the upcoming ONE National Conference 2017 on September 18-19 in Ottawa, Canada, Alan Lewis, Managing Director at L.E.K. Consulting, will discuss a disciplined, methodical approach to helping business leaders grow their business with less investment and less risk by focusing on the myriad opportunities that are often hiding in plain sight, at the edge of their core business.
Edge Strategy Authors Dan McKone and Alan Lewis to Speak at Tatarklubben in Copenhagen on September 13th, 2017
Dan McKone and Alan Lewis, Managing Directors at L.E.K. Consulting and coauthors of Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth, will discuss a disciplined, methodical approach to helping business leaders grow their business with less investment and less risk by focusing on the myriad opportunities that are often hiding in plain sight, at the edge of their core business. The authors researched nearly 600 companies worldwide across 60+ industry sectors. They found that only about 10% of these companies are successful at exploiting profit opportunities at the edge of their business.
Buy on board: Snack Attack (Subscription Required)
British Airways is the latest full-service carrier to start charging for short-haul food. Is there anything to be gained for the passenger? L.E.K.’s Dan McKone, co-author of Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth, comments on how buy-on-board policy is a good example of an Edge Strategy.
Does M&A Bear Fruit?
Globalization, innovation, and the race over IP rights continue to spawn large-scale mergers across many industries. It’s a simple question: does M&A really make sense for shareholders?
To Get More Value from Your Data, Sell It
Today, companies in almost every industry are generating another valuable byproduct: data. Seemingly mundane accounting systems and customer databases now yield the raw materials that can be transformed into lucrative new services. But too few companies are capitalizing on the opportunity. Generating new revenue from byproducts of data — and also existing products and services — is an example of what we call an “edge opportunity.”
Absent an “Edge,” the Best M&A Strategy May Be Abstinence
Imagine the president of your largest business unit slips into your office at the end of the day. As you know, margins are down and she’s sweating blood for every iota of market share. Now she has a proposal for a bold move that could take the company to the next level.
Retail View: For growth, expand on what you do best
Using bagged lettuce in the grocery store as an example of a successful strategy, two researchers have written a book extolling the virtues of value-added services or products to expand one’s business model and grow sales. Alan Lewis, coauthor of Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth, recently spoke to The Produce News and explained the idea behind the Edge Strategy concept and how grocery retailers, among others, can use the principle to drive their own success.
Revisiting the Guest Journey to Combat Softening RevPAR
Here’s a piece of advice for hotel operators struggling with a slowdown in revenue growth: Rethink your definition of your guests’ journeys — namely the story of why the guest came to your doorstep and what their travel objective is. If you understand that story and how guests’ needs are not the same for everyone, you can start to create add-on services to better meet them.
Bayer’s Monsanto deal and Brexit are huge, dangerous bets (subscription required)
Bayer’s shareholders are likely to end up disappointed by the company’s $66bn takeover of Monsanto, just as many of the 17.4m Brits who voted to leave the EU will probably end up disillusioned too. A recent study of 2,500 corporate takeovers, discussed in the Harvard Business Review by Alan Lewis and Dan McKone of LEK Consulting, found that more than 60 per cent of acquisitions destroyed shareholder value.
Why Good Lettuce is Healthy For Revenue and Profit – Cut and Washed, it Embodies Consumer Companies’ Road to Survival
To health-conscious consumers, green lettuce is a basic food staple. But for food retailers slogging through pockets of grocery deflation and a low-growth economy, bags of lettuce, cut, washed and packaged as dinner portions, are emblematic of innovation to drive profit growth.
減輕客戶痛苦就是好生意》這家航空公司讓座位變少、腿部空間多10公分 一年竟省下了9億成本!
滿足舒適性需求的升級銷售,是指當顧客使用公司提供的產品時,公司能提高顧客舒適放鬆的程度。很多公司都發現,使用同件商品的顧客很可能渴望不同程度的服務內容。捷藍航空(JetBlue)的「更寬敞的腿部空間」(Even More Legroom,簡稱EML)方案,是說明這類升級銷售的最佳例子。
Hotel Chains Need To Start Offering More Personalized Add-on Services
The hotel industry, which has enjoyed a five-year boom, is now girding for tougher times ahead. Already, the torrid growth in revenue per available hotel room is rapidly decelerating. Meanwhile, many properties that started construction during the boom years are coming online, further intensifying the competition. The best opportunity to increase revenue is to expand the array of add-on services and extra-price options available to customers.
Winter Is Coming for the Hotel Industry — As the Boom Ends and Competition Heightens
After enjoying years of unprecedented growth, the hospitality industry now needs to prepare for tougher times ahead, say Alan Lewis and Dan McKone, managing directors at L.E.K. Consulting. Chains must move fast to keep revenue growing in the face of softening bookings. The signs of stress are evident as Marriott, Hilton and others escalate efforts to divert traffic from online travel agencies.
L.E.K. Consulting’s Alan Lewis to Speak on Edge Strategy® for the Digital World at the Enterprise Digital Transformation Council
Edge Strategy co-author and L.E.K. Consulting Managing Director, Alan Lewis will deliver a presentation to the Enterprise Digital Transformation Council members on June 16, 2016 at the New York Marriott Downtown hotel.
« Edge strategy » : deux associés de L.E.K. révèlent des gisements de croissance dans un livre
Forts de leur expérience de partners chez L.E.K., Alan Lewis et Dan McKone donnent dans leur livre, les recettes qui ont notamment fait le succès d’iTunes, de Whole Foods ou des compagnies de croisières. Edge Strategy est devenu leur bréviaire pour leur travail de consultant.
So Many M&A Deals Fail Because Companies Overlook This Simple Strategy
Co-authors Alan Lewis and Dan McKone highlight how an edge strategy approach can provide an ideal methodology for corporate leaders to identify which M&A deals are likely to pay off.
Edge Strategy Co-Author Alan Lewis Named One of the Top 25 Industry Leaders
Alan Lewis, co-author of Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth and Managing Director at L.E.K. Consulting, has been named one of Consulting magazine’s “Top 25 Consultants in 2016” for Excellence in Retail.
The one place most firms find their best new business
INTHEBLACK, Australia’s most widely read monthly business magazine, reviews Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth with examples from the book and an overview of the three different types of edge strategies.
CEOs Need To Abandon Bold Strategies For Life On The Edge
There is something about strategy – both the word itself and the concept – that seems to make people believe they have to think big. In this article by Forbes, learn how the lessons in Edge Strategy provide readers with with a more pragmatic approach that could pay dividends.
With an eye on the margins
Mint, India’s second largest business newspaper, interviews Edge Strategy authors Alan Lewis and Dan McKone to learn more about how companies can exploit existing assets and business relationships for additional profits.
Edge Strategy co-author Alan Lewis to Speak at the Association for Strategic Planning 2016 Annual Conference
Edge Strategy co-author and L.E.K. Consulting Managing Director Alan Lewis will speak at the Association for Strategic Planning (ASP) 2016 Annual Conference in San Francisco on Thursday, March 17.
The New Secret to Getting More Revenue From Consumers: Upselling Reimagined
As a complement to traditional upselling techniques, companies should increasingly be offering a menu of discrete products and services. These “enhancements” can be added to a core product, designed to satisfy a wider variety of customer needs, according to research in Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth.
ACG to Host Webinar with Edge Strategy Authors Alan Lewis and Dan McKone
The Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) will host a special webinar with Edge Strategy authors Alan Lewis and Dan McKone on Thursday, March 3.
The Art and Craft of Business Strategy
The Hindu Business Line reviews Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth and explains why the book is “certainly of value to every business.”
This Gymnast’s Ridiculously Innovative Routine Lured More Than 7 Million Views on YouTube: How Thoughtful Innovations Can Pay Off in Surprising Ways
Gymnastics, like business, is a world of paradigms, in which patterns of expected behavior rule the day. That’s why a UCLA gymnast’s non-traditional floor exercise routine has become a social media sensation and also why Inc. has found a lesson for business leaders – derived from Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth.
Finding Opportunities at the Edge of Your Core Offering
The Globe and Mail‘s “Managing Books” column profiles Alan Lewis and Dan McKone’s Edge Strategy and introduces readers to Product, Journey and Enterprise edges with an observation of historical population growth at the edges of different geographies that fostered trade growth.
When Opportunity Resides Along the Edges
Everyone is looking for an edge, or advantage, in business. How do we win? How do we get ahead? What is the angle that will drive our company’s success? But an edge is not just a term for advantage itself; it can also be the place where you can find that advantage. Read a special excerpt from Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth in Harvard Business Review.
5 Steps to Finding New Growth Opportunities in Your Core Business
Fewer than 10 percent of companies make a disciplined effort to unlock new sources of profitable growth from their core business. Inc. takes a look at five steps for growth from Edge Strategy: A Mindset for Profitable Growth – the new book from L.E.K. Consulting’s Alan Lewis and Dan McKone – for executives to recognize and monetize their company’s overlooked assets.
Face It, Your Customers Want More than Just Your Product; How Listening to Their True Passions Can Spur Growth
Here’s a radical prescription for companies caught in excruciating trench warfare battling over tiny slivers of market share: Stop thinking so much about your products. That’s one of the key takeaways from in Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth, a new book by L.E.K. Consulting’s Alan Lewis and Dan McKone.
Nine Out of Ten Companies Overlook Their Best Opportunities for Profitable Expansion. New Book From L.E.K. Consulting Shows How They Can Exploit Hidden Capabilities They Already Have
Too many companies oscillate between opportunities that are too small — trying to squeeze more from their mature existing businesses — and too big — radical expansion, often through acquisition, into unfamiliar industries. Alan Lewis and Dan McKone’s forthcoming book — Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth — explains how this is a choice between wasting a lot of effort and risking a lot of shareholder capital.
Book Extract: Edge-based customization
Read a special excerpt from Edge Strategy in the Business Standard, India’s leading business daily newspaper.
Book It! Review: Edge Strategy
Consulting magazine discusses Edge Strategy in the January edition of their “Book It!” review column.
2015: A Year of Mega Deals
Edge Strategy co-author Alan Lewis discusses the year in mergers and acquisitions on Bloomberg TV’s “M&A Spotlight”.
Before CEOs Pop the Question, They Need to Understand Why Most Mergers Fail and the Secret Behind Those That Succeed
In 2014, companies around the world spent $3.5 trillion on mergers and acquisitions, and merger volume in 2015 is expected to be an all-time record. Insights from L.E.K. Consulting’s Alan Lewis and Dan McKone’s forthcoming book — Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth — show why Proctor & Gamble and Best Buy profited from acquisitions while eBay and Pfizer did not.
There May Be Gold in Your Company’s Data Attic; How to Build Profitable New Business Out of Your Information Byproduct
Many manufacturing companies have long profited by selling what would otherwise be waste products of their factories. Oil companies sell the hydrogen created by oil refineries. Meat processors sell scraps for pet food. Insights from L.E.K. Consulting’s Alan Lewis and Dan McKone’s forthcoming book — Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth — show companies in almost every industry have a valuable byproduct they are not capitalizing on: data.
Fall 2015 Announcements: Business: Big Books from Big Names
Publishers Weekly discusses Edge Strategy in their preview of forthcoming business books.
How Hotels Can Beat Airbnb at Its Own Game
Companies like Airbnb that operate in the sharing economy don’t own assets and don’t provide services directly to customers; they function as third-party clearinghouses, enabling property owners and individuals to monetize their unused assets and time. Read more in this Middle Market Growth feature by Edge Strategy authors Alan Lewis and Dan McKone.
How the U.S. Airline Industry Found its Edge
Imagine if there was a way for a company to grow its profit line and create shareholder value by investing less money, taking less risk, seeing the benefits almost immediately and also making its customers happier in the process. Learn how in this Harvard Business Review feature by Edge Strategy authors Alan Lewis and Dan McKone.